蕙质兰心,高雅悠远,是国兰留给人们的印象,然而正同女子,有玉洁冰清,就有蛊惑妖媚一样,兰花或颜色绚丽,或姿态妩媚,或味道撩人,最终只为吸引传粉的昆虫投怀送抱。兰如美人,从美国史密森学会收藏的近 8000 株活兰中,一睹植物界的千王之王,极尽蛊惑之心。
蕙质兰心,高雅悠远,是国兰留给人们的印象,然而正同女子,有玉洁冰清,就有蛊惑妖媚一样,兰花或颜色绚丽,或姿态妩媚,或味道撩人,最终只为吸引传粉的昆虫投怀送抱。兰如美人,从美国史密森学会收藏的近 8000 株活兰中,一睹植物界的千王之王,极尽蛊惑之心。
乔治·纳吉,一位70岁高龄的哈佛古希腊文学教授,将自己的经典课程“Concepts of the Hero in Classical Greek Civilization”搬到了网上——以时下最为火爆的MOOC形式,并得到了3万多的注册。纳吉老先生的故事,只是MOOC教育席卷世界的一个缩影,甚至包括哈佛在内的世界高校都认为MOOC将成为未来高等教育发展方向,什么是MOOC?它能为包括中国在内的发展中国家提供全新形式的教育机会吗?更重要的是,这玩意火了,和你有什么关系?
regory Nagy, a professor of classical Greek literature at Harvard, is a gentle academic of the sort who, asked about the future, will begin speaking of Homer and the battles of the distant past. At seventy, he has owlish eyes, a flared Hungarian nose, and a tendency to gesture broadly with the flat palms of his hands. He wears the crisp white shirts and dark blazers that have replaced tweed as the raiment of the academic caste. His hair, also white, often looks manhandled by the Boston wind. Where some scholars are gnomic in style, Nagy piles his sentences high with thin-sliced exposition. (“There are about ten passages—and by passages I simply mean a selected text, and these passages are meant for close reading, and sometimes I’ll be referring to these passages as texts, or focus passages, but you’ll know I mean the same thing—and each one of these requires close reading!”) When he speaks outside the lecture hall, he smothers friends and students with a stew of blandishment and praise. “Thank you, Wonderful Kevin!” he might say. Or: “The Great Claudia put it so well.” Seen in the wild, he could be taken for an antique-shop proprietor: a man both brimming with solicitous enthusiasm and fretting that the customers are getting, maybe, just a bit too close to his prized Louis XVI chair.