

The perfect meatloaf with liver recipe: Savoring tradition

Hey there friend! I’m excited to share this meatloaf with liver recipe today.This is aWeston A. Price foundation inspired recipe. If your family has a hard time eating liver recipes, try this sneaky way of incorporating it into their diet.A classic family favorite with a nutritious twist! ground beef and liver meatloaf with quinoa instead of bread crumbs.As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post contains affiliate links which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you.Nutritional Value of Liver: One of the most nutrient-dense foodsWhile there are legitimate concerns regarding the consumption of liver, its nutritive value far outweighs the negatives.“Liver provides copper, zinc, iron, and vitamins A and D in abundance, but it is also a rich source of antioxidants – substances that help your own liver remove toxic substances from the body.”Excerpt from the bookNourishing Traditions by Sally FallonMost cultures around the world eat a plethora of organ…

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