

The Best Eating Habits for Kids

Ibelieve these steps, along with creating a no pressure environment, are the foundation to getting your child (picky eater or not) to eat well. These are the strategies I often give parents when I walk into their home for the first time, and when families are able to make these changes, which can sometimes be challenging, I see the most improvement.As a mom, they have helped set the stage for both my sons feeding skills, and I notice very quickly that when I deviate from these rules their eating suffers.In those instances, I get back to these basics, and it works!For the parents of picky eaters, I wish I had some quick trick that would solve “picky” eating. I know that feeding your kid can be the most stressful time of day. If the following strategies seem overwhelming, then think about implementing them in smallmanageablesteps, one at a time.My best advice is to stay consistent and to keep trying!!! I will help get you there!1. EAT WITH YOUR KIDSThis may seem like an obvious tip, but…

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