

The best 525 point army

123Next1 of 3Go to pageNext Last quozlNot just a rat but a rat with a gun!Site SupporterApr 2, 2009#1Is there anything better than 3x 4th Massachusetts, 3x Knights of Weston, and Sir Gilbert? NightSwipeNew memberApr 2, 2009#2This isn’t possible in a real game, but maybe 2 Zelrigs, Braxas and Nilfhiem. quozlNot just a rat but a rat with a gun!Site SupporterApr 2, 2009#3NightSwipe said:This isn’t possible in a real game, but maybe 2 Zelrigs, Braxas and Nilfhiem. Click to expand… Not legal and way over points.R Rich10New memberApr 2, 2009#4The first thing that I can think of is a Vydar pod:Q9 180Raelin1 260Ratsx3 380Laglor 490Marcu 510Isamu 520 This could also work with KMA instead of Laglor.Q9 180Raelin1 260Ratsx4 420KMA 520 Another good army would be Nilfheim 185Raelin1 265Rats x 3 385Airborne Elite 495Marcu 515Isamu 525 I’m not sure who would win, but it would be fun to play. quozlNot just a rat but a rat with a gun!Site SupporterApr 2, 2009#5Thanks, Rich! Those look good. If we allo…

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