1. Bus GPS Locator – NY WaterwayNY Waterway’s GPS Bus Locator System. If you have web access, you have real-time GPS tracking of the entire fleet of FREE shuttle buses.Locate your NY Waterway bus via our free mobile gps locator. See details › 2. Bus Routes & Schedules – NY WaterwayFor real-time bus locations. For faster service: Bookmark and view your designated bus location from your mobile browser www.nywaterway.com/gps or download our …Our FREE buses are frequently seen and always recognized on the street of Manhattan. They follow the most popular routes around the city 7 days a week which include 57th Street, 49th Street, 42nd Street, and 34th Street, as well as a special weekend route to Greenwich Village and Chelsea Vicinity. See details › 3. GPS Bus Locator – NY WaterwayProvides real-time access on the location and status of free shuttle buses serving NY Waterway’s West 39th Street Ferry Terminal.NY Waterway recently rolled out a unique GPS Bus Locator system on all smartphone…