Home/Health and Wellness/Chinese Medicine Strategies For Cold And FluContributor:Carina Wagner, L.Ac.Traditional Chinese medicine can be an effective approach to cold and flu care and prevention, either on its own or in combination with Western medicine. An ancient tradition with a rich history and intricate healing processes, Chinese medicine offers alternatives to fend off illnesses like colds.Life Force Chi (qi) is the basic principle of life-giving energy in traditional Chinese medicine. It’s often described as life-force energy that performs different functions in different realms of the body.For cold and flu prevention, the focus is on defensive chi or wei chi. Its role is to protect and defend against anything foreign that might attack your body from the outside.First Line of Defense Chinese medicine equates strong defensive chi with good immunity, which can be strengthened by eating well, getting good sleep, exercising and managing stress. If you don’t take care of yourself, yo…