

Bloodied face, fist raised in defiance: how this image may win Trump the US presidency

The Stars and Stripes flutters in the background as a bloody-faced Donald Trump raises a fist in defiance and calls on his supporters to fight on.The image of Trump seconds after surviving an assassination attempt is one of those photographs of obvious and immediate power.He could not have looked more like an American hero if he tried. If he wins the election in November, it will likely be considered one of a handful of photographs that altered the course of the country’s history. It is a product of world-class photojournalism – and also, perhaps, of Trump’s innate political instincts.About a minute after Trump took cover from a gunman’s bullets, the Secret Service agents shielding his body decided to move him to safety. “We’re clear, let’s move,” they were heard saying before raising the former president to his feet.But Trump told them to “wait”. Before being ushered away, he turned to the crowd, raised his fist and mouthed what looked, to lip readers, like the word “fight”. Trump, of…

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