Related PapersConsultation on a proposed ‘Modern Slavery Act’ (business supply chains and operations) Submission to the Attorney-General’s DepartmentJolyon FordAustralia proposes legislation modeled on section 54 of the UK’s Modern Slavery Act (2015). The proposed legislation should preserve those of its current elements (such as not including legislated penalties for non-reporting) that are calculated to encourage widespread and pro-active business uptake and engagement. This is because the point of all this is not the adoption of ‘tough’ regulatory postures for their own sake (even if these were politically viable): instead the point is to find ways to incentivise and support Australian entities to systematically identify and to prevent or address the underlying human rights risks.View PDFDefining ‘Supply Chain’ in a Modern Slavery Act for Australia2018 • Jolyon FordWhat are ideal viable regulatory models for public authorities to address the serious human rights risks that might exi…