School/College: School of MedicineAssignment CategoryFull-TimeRank: Open RankTenure Status: Open TenurePayroll Status: Faculty 12Job DescriptionTHE OPPORTUNITYThe University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Heersink School of Medicine (HSOM) and the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB are leading a recruitment to significantly expand the number and diversity of investigators across basic and population science and translational research efforts in cancer. Recruitment is for tenured and tenure-track faculty applicants with an MD, PhD or MD/PhD at all ranks and includes academic appointment in one or more of 27 academic departments across the HSOM, many of which rank in the top 10 nationally in NIH funding.Successful applicants will join The O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center, one of the first eight NCI-designated Cancer Centers in 1972, that has been continuously funded by the NCI since its inception 50 years ago. It is the only NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center in a four-s…