

Free download "In conversation with President Trump" (1:20:35)

00:00:00here we go00:00:02everybody hello Mr President great time00:00:04I love that house he has I love David’s00:00:07house what a house that made the biggest00:00:09impression huh than you sir I heard you00:00:13have a pretty nice house too yeah I have00:00:15a we’re in a nice house we like it’s00:00:17only worth 18 million right we like I00:00:19know the judge said 18 million people00:00:21said Palm Beach has gone down a long00:00:24way hello00:00:27everybody let your winners ride00:00:30Rainman00:00:34David and instead we open source it to00:00:36the fans and they’ve just G00:00:39[Music]00:00:42crazy thanks so much for sitting down00:00:44with us Mr President the all-in pods00:00:46basically the the four of us having00:00:48conversations it’s kind of a spectrum of00:00:50different views we got sort of like a00:00:52little bit of some Fox News and then00:00:54some msdnc at the same time so oh that’s00:00:57okay keeps it interesting yeah00:01:00absolutely anyway tamamo and I we we…

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