

Mrs. Sharp’s Traditions: Reviving Victorian Family Cele…

Emily146 reviews4 followersApril 21, 2015This is one of my favorite books. I am not naturally creative in the parenting department and this has given me lots of unique, entertaining ideas for things to do with my family. Even before I had kids, my husband and I used this book’s idea for dying Easter Eggs with natural dyes (berries, turmeric, spinach, etc.) which turned out lovely. It’s a big reason for why I do afternoon tea parties with my kids regularly. It’s basically a parenting book for Christian parents who like Victorian (both European and American) traditions, holidays, and all things old fashioned. I got my hot cross buns recipe from this book and I’ve used many other ideas for good, clean, old-fashioned fun out of here. Highly recommended to moms who like period films ;) favoritesChanelle76 reviews28 followersNovember 10, 2008I LOVE this book. It is full of old family traditions and how to bring joy back through them. It is an easy read that goes by month. I recommend it for e…

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