The Spokesman-Review, Crossword Puzzle Solution Tomorrow ACROSS 1. Ditly-dally 5. Small lizard 8. Taro paste 11. Bulging pot 12.Downpour 14. Stratum of ore 15. Baltimore ball club 16. Bracing medicine 18. Ship channel 19.Lantern Tuesday, ‘August 12, 1969. BEAGLE ABOMA ORDEAL PRIOR ANONYM RILLE RUM ROD ETA AVENGERS RAB NIL EXIT ILLS SIP SKEPTICS CAR RAT EAR RESIN HUMANE IRONS EDITOR DINGY MODENA SOLUTION OF YESTERDAY’S PUZZLE DOWN 5. World War 22. 2. Piquant 49, Meadowgrass 1.Misplaced area 25. Heavenly 50. Edward 2. Butterine 6. Pro 29.Drive Kennedy 3. Wolfhound 7. Prim slantingly 51. Periods of time 4. Progenv 8.Shield-shaped 9. Numeral 10. Possessive adjective 13, Shout 17. Solicitude 20. Plateau 21.Gait 23. Opposition 24. Notwith20 21 23 24 standing 25 27 29 25. Subside 26. Low 36 32 27.Stance 28. Skulk 34 32. for 34. Rabbit 137 138 39 40 37. Midge 42 44 39.Particle 40. Battle 48 41. Food fish 42. Vase 156 43. Fr.assent 44. Consumed Per time 26 min. AP Newsfeatures 1.12 45. Preceded…