

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

A 1 1 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS I BIRTHS DARWICK 15. (hee Millicent Brighton Gray Community -On Hospital. to Pilo: Omcer and Mra, J. 8. Jancars at Barwick- a 5011 (John Fletcher) David).-On January Boronia- Vermont. to LilTan, wife of daughter A.C.I. Norman (Barbara Anne Homfray derton) Sister for Margaret, DHIPPS Epworth (nee Hospital, Silver), to On Mr. January and Mrs. 17, N.Phipps. of On daughter. January CIMONS at (nee Brighton Van Community Hospital, to Beryl A and Ron- daughter (Carole Marie). Prem. Both well.MARRIAGES Silver Weddings COOLD- and Mrs. announcing Thomas the have pleasure in 25th anniversary ol their Church. wedding. Padlham, celebrated at Lancashite, Engiand, January 21, Dande- 1918. minE Present Box Address 10.P.O.. Demimone. DEATHS On Active Service TURRAY. TX331. January Captain 1, on Alex.active McL. serMurray.” husband Swinton-avenue. of Natalie, Kew. daddy of On January 1, on active service, TX331, -Captain Alex. McL.Murray A.1.F.. loved of of Hugh, Mrs. E….

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