905-953-1028407 Eagle Street, Newmarket, ONAboutChiropracticConditionsNeck PainMid-Back PainLow Back Pain / SciaticaCervicogenic Dizziness / VertigoHeadachesPosture CorrectionCervical InstabilityPinched NerveFamily Wellness CareOther ConditionsTestimonialsNew PatientsBook NowBook NowThank you for visitingNewmarket’s leading spinal health & family wellnesscentreBook Your AppointmentAffordable care foryourEntire FamilyContact Us TodayBook Your AppointmentAt Chiropractic on Eagle, removing stress from your spine, spinal cord, and nervous system while bringing everything into balance is the core focus of Newmarket chiropractor, Dr. Jon Saunders. “I find that when people come to see us they just really want to know what is wrong with them. No one has ever taken the time or interest in showing or explaining in detail what is causing their health problems and more importantly how to correct them,” explains Dr. Saunders.We have a tremendous amount of experience looking after newborns, children…