Looking to sell some old or unwanted stuff? For a long time the go-to resource was Craigslist, which lets you post local classified ads free of charge. But I’m here to make the case for Facebook Marketplace, which I find superior in nearly every way.Indeed, I’d go so far as to say it’s not only faster and easier than Craigslist, but also safer. Let’s take a look at the various points in favor of Marketplace, after which you’re free to tell me why I’m insane and Craigslist is better.It’s easier to create listings on your phoneCraigslist has no official mobile app, and while it’s not particularly difficult to create an ad using your mobile browser, it’s definitely easier with the Facebook app.Indeed, here’s the process:Step 1: Tap in the “What are you listing” field and then choose Items for Sale.Step 2: Add (or capture) photos.Step 3: Fill in the remaining details, such as price, category and description.Step 4: If you want, add the listing to any local for-sale groups you’re already a…